Village instance

Meet Maria Village aka Village instance is a place out of our world to take a little walk. Enjoy the views and find the tiny easter eggs over the town in this mobile experience.

Village instance banner
Lighting view
Lighting view town
abstract image

01. Game engine

Good lighting requires a high-fidelity graphic engine, and different tools are so for different needs when targeting a platform to be published, and of course a dev-friendly environment to use these tools. Needs like these made Unreal Engine an easy decision to use in this project.


Unreal engine 5

02. Resources management

For this project, Android was the selected target, so it's mandatory to handle apps/games larger than 200 MB. For this, the app has to be built with the game objects divided into packages or prepare the bundle to contain the game data, depending on the app's needs.

In this case, all the data is on the app bundle, so the user won't need to make additional downloads.

03. Design pattern

All game objects are settled as a single instance each. So if a game object, for example, a table is destroyed that object doesn't exist anymore and if we create a new table it will be a different table even if it has the same attributes.

This pattern was selected for this project due to its scope, level design, and optimization, most of the objects in the scene are baked (they're static) for better performance.


Singleton pattern